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致各位親愛的粉絲專頁和社團朋友們: 七年前,開始臉書的粉絲專頁(#蜜塔木拉咖啡),隨後又開設「#天然酵母研究會」社團,透過臉書認識了來自世界各地的同好朋友,雖然大家都未曾面識,但是有一種「你懂我,我懂你」的親切感,在這段日子受到大家的鼓勵、支持和愛護,帶給我無限的充實感和成就感,也讓我學習更認真努力追求自我的進步。 人生,不同階段,不同風景。終於,人生來到了下半場了。 我的另一伴,將於今年七月一日正式從服務30年的公司光榮退休。 也是讓我開始好好思索和規劃第二人生的時刻。 我發覺,花太多時間在網路上了,一天裡有絕大部分都是在從事與網路相關的事,像是更新專頁、回覆留言、管理社團,製作影片都讓自己太過投入,除了時間精力的花費之外,隨著年紀增大,有點老花加近視,太長時間受藍光的刺激,視力大受影響,愈來愈吃力。 我想,我應該回歸到更為真實,更有溫度,自然簡約的生活方式,少一點藍光,多一點藍天白雲,青山綠水。把下半場的人生多花在我的家人身上,照顧自己和家人的健康,好好享受慢活人生。 所以,我將於今年7月1日後正式停止所有與臉書相關的事物,包括個人帳戶、粉絲專頁和封存社團。(臉書系統可能在15日前後就會執行指令) facebook粉絲專頁停止更新。 facebook社團暫時封存。(資料完整保留,但所有動態活動停止,預計2020年底之前完全移除) 但是,對野生酵母烘焙、旅行和健身的熱情會一直持續下去,而且會「自娛娛人」地分享烘焙成果和生活點滴,所以我決定將保留Youtube頻道和Instagram分享。 歡迎對蜜塔還有興趣的朋友加入訂閱,持續支持: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7t2W3nswYFplgGpqk82y3w Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitamura_kitchen/ MAIL: [email protected] 雖然無法隨時隨地回覆大家的留言,但是我想就順其自然,隨遇而安! 最後,再次對長年愛護蜜塔木拉的朋友們,尤其是對於每次都風雨無阻按讚留言的好朋友們,表達無限不捨和歉意之外,更要向大家說的是: 感謝、感恩、感動! 蜜塔木拉敬上 Dear all my friends on my page and members in my group: I am here to announce that I am going to quit Facebook, including deactivating my official page and archiving the group. There are many reasons why I decided to leave Facebook. First, my husband will retire on July first this year, which also allows us to do some hard thinking about our “retirement” life. I found that I have spent too much time every day looking at screens, like updating the page, managing the group, writing and answering the requests or comments. Sometimes, I even started feeling obliged to those chores and tired of them. For years, I have been blessed to have so many good friends around the world, who have consistently given greetings and comments on my page and it’s also a great pleasure for me to be able to share knowledge and experience of baking, cooking and daily life for such a long time through Facebook. However, when I found the eyesight gets worse with age, I really thought it was necessary to say no to excessive online stuffs. Here, I sincerely show my gratitude and express deep appreciation to all of you. I will still keep updating my Youtube channel and Instagram account “on an irregular basis.” If you are still interested in “Mitamura”, please feel free to subscribe to my channel and keep in touch! Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7t2W3nswYFplgGpqk82y3w Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mitamura_kitchen/ MAIL: [email protected] BEST REGARDS, AND WITH LOVE 蜜塔木拉咖啡 (蜜塔木拉 MITAMURA ミタムラカフェ) 註:封存社團時,社團成員會收到通知。社團封存後,現有成員依然可以看到社團內容,但無法發佈貼文、留言或傳達心情。已經封存的社團不會出現在非成員的搜尋結果中,也無法再讓新成員加入。 Note: When a group is archived, it won't appear in search results to non-members, and no new members can join the group. Note: Group members are notified when a group is archived. When a group is archived, existing members can still see group content, but can't post, comment or react.

致各位親愛的粉絲專頁和社團朋友們: 七年前,開始臉書的粉絲專頁(#蜜塔木拉咖啡),隨後又開設「#天...